Oilon appoint Pure Thermal as UK Partner


24 July 2024

The Finland based manufacturer Oilon has appointed Pure Thermal as their UK Industrial Heat Pump partner with the objective of further developing the Oilon brand throughout the United Kingdom.


‘Having cooperated together for a number of years the next step was to formalise our relationship’, commented Martti Kukkola Chief Business Officer for Oilon Industrial Heat Pumps continuing, ‘the UK market offers real potential for the Oilon Industrial Heat Pump range and the team at Pure Thermal are well placed to maximise this opportunity’.

Oilon is a family-​owned, global energy and environmental technology company, founded in 1961specialising in environmental technology with a special focus on research and development. Oilon provides a flexible range of Heat Pumps with capacities from 30kW to 3000kW capable of delivering output temperatures to 120°C.

‘We’ve worked well together for the last few years, and it is great that we are now in a position to move forward and formalise our partnership’, said Garry Broadbent Operations Director of Pure Thermal, ‘the Oilon range offers real benefits within Industrial applications where high operating temperatures are required and this is an area that both Oilon and Pure Thermal are well placed to develop’.

Industrial Heat is reported to account for circa 20% of Global CO2 Emissions with more than 85 percent of energy for industrial heating provided by natural gas and oil/LPG boilers, compared with less than 10 percent from biomass with Heat Pumps currently making up a smaller but fast-growing percentage.

As with the adoption of any technology a specifier or end user will look to see a track record of operating success, and this is where Oilon can deliver having been active within the High Temperature Industrial Heat Pump market for over 15 years.

Garry Broadbent comments. ‘We find that it is extremely beneficial  for the UK user or designer of an Industrial Heat Pump system to be able to see well proven Oilon applications in more established geographical Heat Pump markets which validates the use of this High Temperature technology’, continuing, ‘ It is clear that in the UK we have operated with low cost mains gas for many years but considering the use of Oilon Heat Pumps provides industry with the opportunity to decarbonise higher temperature applications and also importantly recycle waste heat which is an economy that burning fossil fuels has obviously never offered’.

The use of recycled waste heat has historically not been a ‘must do’ in the UK but moving forward the recycling of second time use zero carbon waste heat must become the norm for UK users.

As an example Microsoft is building a data center complex in the Helsinki metropolitan area where Fortum, Finland’s leading energy company, will recover the waste heat from the complex and reuse it for district heating.

This will be the largest project for recycling waste heat from a data center in the world and here Oilon will supply Fortum with the plant required within the heat recovery system’s two heat pump plants.

To meet the demands of the project Oilon is currently manufacturing an 80MW Combined Heating & Cooling System (CHC) incorporating S range units delivering a Total COP of 6.6 (660% efficient) via delivering both heating and cooling outputs.

This is obviously and extremely large-scale waste heat recycling (CHC) application, however as equally practical on a smaller scale would be a 200kW waste heat recycling application within a single production plant.

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This would offer the same practical cost & carbon reduction benefits as the larger capacity example by recycling 52-week waste heat from cooling systems, air compressors, hot production areas or process waste heat,

This type of application presents a real opportunity to deliver immediate carbon savings simply by recycling waste thermal energy and importantly any kW capacity can be deemed practical due to the flexible scalability of the Pure Thermal-Oilon plant.

Additionally, Oilon Industrial Heat Pumps are also well placed for application within Two-Stage Air Source Heat Pump systems, particularly where increased flexibility and higher temperatures are required in comparison to more standard water to water heat pumps due to having the capability to operate with a wide inlet/outlet differential (7°C to 50°C Delta T).

The application of Industrial Heat Pumps and Waste Heat Recycling are both areas where Pure Thermal are set to add value by providing first stage concept/design support alongside the provision of equipment.

This support is geared towards evaluating both system integration and identifying the practical carbon & cost benefits of applying an Industrial Heat Pump for each specific application.

In terms of increasing brand awareness, Oilon Heat Pumps already applied in the UK provide the opportunity for end users and specifier/designers to visit and see Oilon equipment in operation at demonstration sites.

Alongside this physical demonstration of Oilon Heat Pumps the Pure Thermal team also provide a complete package of application-based specifier information and CPD material.

With capacities from 30kW to 3000kW and output temperatures to 120°C the Oilon range provides a high-performance heat pump selection choice capable of working with any source configuration.

In summary the alliance of Oilon and Pure Thermal provides the UK market with a well proven and extensive range of High Temperature Industrial Heat Pumps coupled with the provision of specialist pre-sales and after sales service support.

