Virtual events offer heating technicians expert advice on breaking into renewables 17 March 2021


17 March 2021

OFTEC registered technicians looking to expand into the renewables sector should sign up now for the second in a series of free interactive webinars hosted by OFTEC and MCS, which goes out live on Friday 19 March. 

Following the hugely popular first session which provided a valuable insight into the heat pump market, the next webinar offers practical guidance on achieving MCS certification, including helpful tips and a Q&A session.

The hour long ‘Getting into the heat pump sector’ session runs from 2pm to 3pm and interested technicians can register a place by visiting eventbrite. Anyone who missed the first webinar ‘Heat pump opportunities’ can also watch again here

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Alongside a continued focus on liquid fuels and developing a renewable replacement for heating oil, OFTEC has worked closely with MCS since 2014 to offer registration across a range of renewable heating technologies.

The final webinar in the series ‘What you need to know about installing heat pumps’ takes place on Friday 26 March, 2pm to 3pm. To find out more and book a place visit eventbrite.