The Heat Pump Mover - designed to maneuver pumps around sites


20 May 2024



The Heat Pump Mover has been designed to help installers maneuver pumps around building or customer sites. The Mover simply becomes an extension of the pump, making it safer, easier, and more effective whilst making you look more professional at the same time. 


Lite Work Designs Ltd is launching the new Heat Pump Mover at the Birmingham NEC Installer Show, 25-27 June with a special launch price of £195.00, free delivery and no VAT. 


Mike, our CEO, is an installer. He previously struggled to move heat pumps around sites without injuring himself or damaging the pump. The sheer size and weight of these pumps often needs 2-3-4 people or a forklift to move them safely. 


Mike says: “when moving a pump across a building or customer site, we really struggle. We get the job done but it’s hard work and sometimes a bit embarrassing. The Mover simplifies the process - secure the Mover to the pump and off you go, it really is that simple.


“I want installers to get the benefits I've enjoyed with the Mover for the past 3 years. We now have a production version ready which we are selling directly to installers and having positive discussions with global pump manufacturers, EU/UK product distributors and large UK installers.” 


Is it SAFER? 

We designed and tested the Mover for someone in a hurry, on a cold, wet Monday morning after a heavy weekend, who has just been asked to unpack and move the pump across a building site before coffee. The Mover was tested to ensure compliance to Health and Safety at Work Regulations and HSE Manual Handling Process. The majority of the weight is now on the Mover, leaving the installer to easily maneuver the pump with significantly less chance of personal injury or damage to the pump.


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Is it EASIER? 

The pump slots in and is secured to the Mover Baseboard making the Mover an extension of the pump to enhance maneuverability. As an example, a Daikin Altherma 3 Monobloc weighing 150 Kg is reduced to 15 Kg as you pull it across the site. 



Working with 2-3-4 people or a forklift takes time to arrange; time better spent installing. The Mover is designed for a lone worker to unpack, mount and position the pump without a need to interrupt or wait for others.  



If you’ve lifted or helped move a pump across a building or customer site, you’ll know how hard it is. When you use the Mover, we believe it shows you are committed to your trade and you mean business. 


The feedback we’ve had from installers and a global pump manufacturer is unbelievable. Installers say: “great investment, makes moving the pump a breeze” another saying “I saw the Mover on YouTube and didn’t believe it could be that simple… but it is.” 


We are so excited to be at the Installer Show in June, Hall 5 Stand B146. If this goes as we hope, we’ll be back next year. 


More information can be found at