Bitzer offers flexible HEXPV ordering


29 January 2018
Bitzer has launched a new ordering system for its heat exchangers and pressure vessels (HEXPV) that can be modified according to customer preferences. 

Operators can now decide whether to buy standard products or products tailored to their specific requirements. All horizontal liquid receivers and water-cooled condensers made by Bitzer can be now customised. Up to five features of the product can be moved from their standard position to a new one within a range pre-defined by BITZER – from the refrigerant inlet and outlet connections to the welded support feet.
Andrea Serena, Product Manager Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels at Bitzer, said: “With our HEXPV customisation project, we meet our customers’ need for flexible product solutions. We started with horizontal liquid receivers and water-cooled condensers, and have other products to follow.” 

Bitzer’s portfolio of heat exchangers and pressure vessels includes water-cooled condensers, liquid receivers, oil separators as well as oil coolers and sound absorbers. 
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