Lucy Andreas leads Benelux Rapid Recovery team


25 October 2023

Lucy Andreas has been appointed head of A-Gas Rapid Recovery in the Benelux countries, leading a team recovering refrigerants on behalf of customers in the refrigeration and HVAC industries.

The latest revisions to the F-Gas Regulation to emerge from the European Council recommend no limit to the life of reclaimed gases and this is why they will become such a valuable resource. 

Andreas, who has experience of working in industries involving the recovery and recycling of waste materials, said: “The importance of looking for sustainable solutions in the HVAC industry has never been greater. Reclaimed gases are quota free and refrigerants saved from disposal and returned to the market do not consume raw materials. The use of reclaimed refrigerants also reduces energy consumption and unnecessary transport normally associated with the production of virgin refrigerants. This meets the expectations of the F-Gas Regulation and helps businesses realise their low carbon ambitions.

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“You can be confident that the work will be carried out in accordance with industry regulations and with the greatest care for the environment.  A-Gas Rapid Recovery is a unique one-stop-shop solution up to ten times faster than alternative methods of recovering refrigerants. It’s a safe and sustainable way of recycling or disposing of refrigerants.”