08 July 2021
Caitlin Hind of distributor AUK and renewables specialist Secon has raised more than £800 by donating 12 inches of her hair to The Little Princess Trust, a charity which provides wigs to children with cancer to restore their confidence and identity.
Caitlin said: “Four years ago as a university student, I decided to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust when I couldn't give as much financially as I would have liked. Fast forward to March 2020 and I planned on donating my hair again, but then lockdown happened so I decided to let it grow for another year. Finally, over a year later, over 12 inches of my hair was cut to be made into a wig for a child suffering from hair loss.
Caitlin pictured before her hair was cut
“As a family, we know how awful it is when someone you love has to go through cancer treatments or chemo for other health reasons so I can't even imagine what that would be like for a child. My hair has always been one of my comforts. Tt's always been so long and I love having it long, but I'd love to give that feeling to someone else.’’
It costs the charity on average £550 to have a wig made and then a further £150 to have it fitted.