Coil Protection: ECEX Offers New Service


02 November 2016
​ECEX, the engineering contractor, today announced its new coil protection service to help customers with on and off-site repairs to fin and tube heat exchangers.

The company is also able to make coils to customers' existing coil patterns or for bespoke designs.
​The company already designs and makes coils, as well as providing a coil maintenance and cleaning service. ECEX helps customers with keeping condenser and evaporator coils in good shape with their air intake screen products too. Coils clogged with leaves and pollen, for example, can shorten the life of coils. The company's air intake screens protect air handling units, chillers and condensers, which helps them to maintain their effectiveness and efficiency. 

The 20-year old company works with an impressive range of buildings services businesses, such as Integral, MITIE and CBR/Norland, throughout the UK. 
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