Heat pumps on track for record year


25 July 2024

A 45% increase in heat pump installations in the first half of 2024 has put the UK on course for a record-breaking year, according to MCS (Microgeneration Certification Scheme), the UK’s quality mark for small-scale renewable energy.

Although the previous Government's stated target of 600,000 installations per year by 2028 remains some distance away, the latest data showing 27,000 heat pumps fitted in the first six months has been welcomed by industry figures as a step in the right direction. The increase is in comparison to the same period in 2023, which was in itself a record year.

Charlotte Lee, Chief Executive of the Heat Pump Association, said: “It is fantastic to see the continuing growth in heat pump installations within the UK, underscoring the progress and commitment from the sector in supporting the decarbonisation of heat. Clarity and confidence from the new Labour Government on the direction of travel for the electrification of heat will be crucial to continue the momentum and ensure we stay on track for a record year.”

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Ian Rippin, CEO at MCS, said: “As the decarbonisation of UK homes gathers pace, it’s vital that homeowner confidence in renewables continues to grow alongside that to sustain demand. High-quality installations are key to this because we want everyone to enjoy the benefits of home-grown energy, so it’s fantastic to see these record numbers for certified installations.

“We also know that alongside consumer trust in the effectiveness of renewable technology, ongoing government support can make a significant difference in helping to make the transition. The recently published Heat Strategy for Wales highlights a clear commitment to heat pumps, and initiatives such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) – which provides up to £7,500 towards the installation of a heat pump – are crucial in providing support to consumers.

"It is no coincidence that the record number of certified heat pump installations has coincided with a record number of BUS applications in 2024, which is ensuring more homeowners have access to low-carbon technology. It’s something that we hope the government will continue to support as home-grown energy becomes more mainstream in UK homes.”

The latest data also reveals that more than 80,000 homes have had certified solar panels installed so far in 2024, while battery storage installations have reached almost 8,000 certified installations in 2024, which is already more than any previous year with six months still to go.