Panasonic updates smart tools line-up


25 August 2020

Panasonic has updated its line-up of smart tools for engineers and installers, covering CO2 refrigeration, VRF systems and the Aquarea heat pump range.

The CO2 Refrigeration Designer aims to enhance productivity, maximise efficiency and provide further support for users, by simplifying calculations to ensure the best solution and results are achieved.

The estimated average time of calculation completion when using this tool is just two minutes, whereas pre-existing calculation tools can usually take up to an hour. For added convenience, the calculator can also be used on mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, with results being printed on paper or saved to a PDF to be accessed anywhere.

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Panasonic also offers the VRF Designer software, providing air conditioning system designers, installers and dealers with a programme to remotely design and size projects for Panasonic's VRF ranges, with designers now able to work directly from AutoCAD files.  The latest version features new BMS, Air Curtains with HEX and CAD export improvements as well a feature for selecting worst case scenario piping.  
The Aquarea Designer now includes the latest addition to the range, the Aquarea J Generation Bi-Bloc. This program allows designers, installers and distributors to identify the correct heat pump for a particular application from the Aquarea range. It will calculate the project's energy costs, in terms of hot water, heating and pumping. It will also show the equipment running times and calculate the COP.

All are now available to download from the Panasonic PRO Club.