HRS doubles up in Southampton


04 March 2025

The Hampshire Refrigeration Society (HRS) will host its next Technical Breakfast Briefing in Southampton on 19 March to deliver a double-header with its 2025 Exhibition at the same venue.

The breakfast event at the Macdonald Botley Park Hotel begins with registration and refreshments from 8am. This will be followed by two presentations:

8:30am: Refrigerant Legislation is Changing - what is coming up and how do you stay compliant and 
help the sector demonstrate responsible use of refrigerants?
 With Graeme Fox, Scheme Director of the FGAS Register.

9am: An introduction to the Danfoss Smart Store - maximising efficiency and discussing waste heat.
With Graeme Ross of Danfoss Climate Solutions.

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Following a Q&A session, attendees can then catch up on the latest innovations at the HRS Exhibition 2025 (10am-6pm).

For further information, contact Nicola Prentice ([email protected])

To book for the breakfast briefing, scan the QR code below.