IOR Annual Dinner back in June


07 December 2021

The IOR Annual Dinner will return as an "in person'' event next year. Traditionally held in February, the 121st dinner has been moved to June 30, at the Leonardo Royal Hotel London St Pauls, to celebrate the industry’s achievements and support World Refrigeration Day activities.

Bookings are now open and tickets start from £147 + VAT for members, with tables of 10 and 12 also available. The price includes welcome drinks reception, a three-course meal including ½ bottle of wine per person, awards ceremony, after-dinner speaker and award presenter, fundraising for charity and the IOR President’s fund for education initiatives and late bar.  

Visit the IOR website to find out more and book places.

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Sponsorship opportunities will also be available during the event. Contact the IOR at to find out more.