06 August 2018
They are:
Members can now access more than 300 titles from the IOR website.
- The updated IOR Refrigerant Safety Code of Practice – Flammable Lower Toxicity Refrigerants (Groups A2L, A2 and A3) a reference source and guide to the interpretation of current safety standards, it covers properties of refrigerants, decommissioning, testing and maintenance as well as design issues. £48 (inc. VAT) for non-members.
- IOR Proceedings Volume 114 (2017-18) – includes technical papers and reports of IOR meetings for 2017-18. Available in PDF or CD-Rom format (ISBN:978-1-872719-38-2). £47 (inc. VAT) for non-members.
- Three new Service Engineer Good Practice Guides – available free for a limited time only. These guides will help engineers stay up to date with the latest practical RACHP developments and earn CPD credits over the summer. Guides include the Impact of Different Refrigerant Classifications (GPG 71), which considers the effects of the quota system of the EU F-Gas Regulation of 2014 on phasing down the supply of HFC refrigerants alongside industry’s pressing need to adapt to using HFC alternative refrigerants. The second deals with Air Conditioning System Inspection Compliance Obligations (GPG 72), which summarises the regulations and obligations applicable to operators/owners of air conditioning equipment and covers phase out of high GWP refrigerants, safety of pressure systems and energy efficiency of buildings. The third guide is on the Importance of On-site Refrigerant Recycling (GPG 73) describing a practical process that will help to ensure a supply of refrigerant (recycled or recovered) is available for service and maintenance as F-Gas refrigerant becomes restricted.
Members can now access more than 300 titles from the IOR website.
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