Waterloo Air Products – CIBSE CPD webinars


28 October 2021

Waterloo’s CIBSE-approved CPDs are now available to all as live webinars.

The next dates scheduled are:

General Air Distribution: Thurs 2nd Dec 2021, 3pm
The basic principles of air distribution when using mixed flow, displacement and VAV systems, including:

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  • General terms and definitions used in air distribution
  • Typical air movement effects
  • Cooling systems
  • The effect of heat gains 
  • Alternate systems and selection guidance

An Introduction to VAV Systems, Thurs 4th Nov 2021, 3pm
The basics of Variable Air Volume Systems including variable heat loads and typical air volume variations. The whole system is discussed from equipment components to controls and factory calibration; as well as how to select and install. 

To register for either of these events or to access a recording of previous webinars, please go to: www.waterloo.co.uk/cpd-and-training

Also available is the Waterloo Green Book. This is a comprehensive technical guide to understanding, specifying, and installing air diffusion grilles, louvres and chilled beams, including:

  • Terms, definitions and symbols
  • Conventional air diffusion patterns
  • Basis of performance data
  • ATD characteristics and selection guide
  • Comfort criteria – thermal, velocity and acoustic jet theory and characteristics
  • Acoustic information – spectrum correction, octave band analysis

You can download your own copy at: www.waterloo.co.uk/green-book