Themes announced for elementalLONDON


05 March 2025

elementalLONDON 2025 has announced the themes for its debut event at ExCeL London (November 19-20) - including two Build2Perform theatres delivered by strategic event partner CIBSE.

There will be five content areas with seminars and debates on the major issues facing those tasked with decarbonising buildings, while making them affordable, comfortable and sustainable.

The elementalARENA will feature debates and interactive sessions on advancing the efficiency of buildings. Speakers will include government ministers, academics, industry leaders and prominent figures from the event’s industry partners – such as ConstructZero and Energy UK – covering policy updates, innovation, skills and much more.

Lucy Dixon, Head of Content at elementalLONDON, said: “Our content programme will showcase the industry’s most influential voices. They’ll be sharing insights on creating efficient buildings, with guidance on tackling our existing building stock as well as new projects. Our goal is that every visitor will leave the show feeling inspired and energised to deliver better buildings for their communities.”

There will also be the Housing Hub, sponsored by Danfoss, with sessions curated by industry partners such as National Retrofit Hub and RICS, with information for councils, housing associations, housebuilders and developers. 

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Decarbonising home heating
  • Retrofitting hard-to-treat homes
  • Approaching the Future Homes Standard
  • Accessing funding for efficient social housing

The Climate Solutions Theatre will host content for those working with heating and cooling in commercial and public buildings. Expert speakers will look at the issues in the round, from the policy landscape to industry trends to the activity ‘on the ground’.

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Among the topics will be:

The decarbonisation of HVAC - The speakers will discuss both the opportunities and challenges for introducing low carbon HVAC to the commercial and public sector. The topics will range from the government’s policies around both heating and cooling to the considerations when working with large heat pump/chillers, to heat networks and heat recovery and to future-proofing AC.

The challenge of big buildings - The new Building Safety Act seeks to create a new culture for big and complex buildings. But what does this and the demands of technology and customers mean for the building services?

Indoor Air Quality – opportunity or crisis?  As the demand for better occupant health grows and new standards of IEQ are introduced, what does this mean for the ventilation sector and is the wider industry prepared?

Cooling at the crossroads - Refrigerants are going to be a major issue for buildings, with the introduction of more flammables and further restriction on GWP. Are current building standards fit for purpose to accommodate the changes?

The event will also feature masterclasses and conference streams curated by a several of its industry partners, such as the Institute of Refrigeration, the Bathroom Manufacturers Association and the Heat Pump Association.  
